Tuesday, July 23, 2013


You are dehydrated. You are. Don't try to tell me you're not. I am too. We pretty much all are. I just read a book called 'Your Body's many Cries for Water" by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj. This man is amazing. He uses re-hydration methods to cure people of diseases. Thats right, drinking more water to cure diseases. In fact, our fine doctor has been able to cure countless patients of AIDS, Asthma, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Insulin-independent Diabetes, high blood pressure, and many many other diseases, just by giving them enough water.  

How is this possible you say? Well its really simple actually. Dr. Batmanghilidi discovered that your body sends out signals that it is dehydrated, and the feeling of 'dry mouth' is actually the last of those signals. Your body tells you that it needs water and is becoming dehydrated first through dysteptic pain, rheumatoid arthritis pain, anginal pain, low back pain, claudication pain(leg pain), migraine and hangover headaches, colitis pain, and constipation . . . etc 

So how much water is enough? He says that the absolute minimum daily intake of water should be six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day to maintain hydration, and that increases if you live in the desert or a really hot dry climate. 6-8 glasses times 8 ounces, that's roughly 64 ounces. The best times to drink water being 30 minutes before all meals and about 2 hours after all meals. Two more glasses should be added after the largest meal of the day.

He proposes an essential paradigm shift in modern medicine, from thinking about the regulation of bodily functions as dictated by the different solids, to thinking of them as being due to the liquids. He states, "Every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water."
Since our human bodies are more than 75% liquid, and our brain more than 85%, it is essential that we discontinue thinking of ourselves as solid material beings. In terms of modern medicine, doctors are treating symptoms of 'diseases' that are actually our bodies signals that we need more water, often with 
drugs that can then further dehydrate the body. 

Doctors know that you should drink 8 glasses of water a day, and they may even tell you that. Most doctors have good intentions, but are limited by the system they operate within, and the incorrect paradigm that water is not the most important factor in regulating bodily function. What they can't and wont tell you is that most of the disorders and diseases that we experience in society today are a direct result of the body not getting enough water. 

But I drink 8 glasses of water a day, and I still have some of these issues . . .
Not true. Not possible. There are other factors. If you are taking any kind of medication, to counteract their dehydrating effects, our good doctor recommends 2 1/2 liters minimum daily, which is a lot more. if you drink coffee or tea, or god forbid soda, then you are actually dehydrating yourself more than if you had not drank that liquid at all. Alcohol is especially dangerous in this sense. These seemingly hydrating drinks actually leave you 50% by volume less hydrated than you started out. So if you are going to drink coffee or tea, you need to drink at least that much water. 

The most incredible findings in this book for me are the fact that Alzheimer's, hyper-tension, AIDS, and Diabetes can all be cured, by properly hydrating, and maintaining that level of hydration. Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj has cured over 3000 patients using this methed. 

Happy Hydrating ! 

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