Tuesday, July 16, 2013

16th Karmapa Stupa Crestone

 The 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, is the 16th incarnation of the Karmapa, meaning "Master of all Buddha activity."

Karmapa is a Bodhisattva who reincarnates over and over again for the benefit of sentient beings. he is a highly realized mediation master, who has conquered disturbing emotions and taken control of the death process. Karmapa leaves a note every time he dies, explaining with precision where he will be reborn and who his parents will be. He is generally born knowing and, as soon as he can speak, telling people that he is Karmapa.

 Karmapa's current incarnation was telling his parents he was
Karmapa at age 3, and began giving teachings around age six.

The 17th Karmapa is a brilliantly vibrant young man named Trinley Thaye Dorje. Although forced out of Tibet, Karmapa has been able to further expand his scope of influence to the western world, and thus benefit many more countless beings through his great example.

We can have confidence in the teachings, and comfortable with our own death due to Karmapa's teachings and example. Because he is able to make the transition between life, death, and his next life so easily, as if he were merely changing clothes, he is able to show us that it is nothing to fear, and may in fact be a great opportunity to benefit many beings.

Karmapa was foretold of by the Buddha Shakyamuni, and has himself demonstrated amazing foresight. He left Tibet eight years before the Chinese invasion, and was able to bring many of his students and followers to freedom in India.

17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje

There exists a controversy amongst those unenlightened of us concerning the identity of the 17th Karmapa. . .

One of Karmapa's closest students Tai Situ Rinpoche, in a desperate attempt to seize control of the power structure of the lineage, produced a false letter concerning the whereabouts of the  new incarnation and took it upon himself to go find the boy.

After several scandals involving Tai Situ, including embezzlement, forgery, switching of his chosen candidate, and the fact that Orgyen Trinley is too old to possibly be the Karmapa, it is clear to those who are thinking for themselves just what is going on.

This scandal however, is very welcomed and has turned out to be a true blessing. Because of this other candidate, and his allegiance to Tai Situ, who works well with the Chinese oppressors for monetary reasons, our blessed H.H. The Karmapa Thaye Dorje has no need to fear for his life or persecution from the Chinese.

The Dalai Lama has been threatened and persecuted by the Chinese ceaselessly since he left Tibet. It is such a blessing that the Chinese now have their very own puppet Karmapa to tote around and not bother any of the true clear-minded practitioners just trying to meditate.

This also protects our lineage immensely from clouded and confused people, who would otherwise be infiltrating our ranks, possibly having disturbed ideas, unconstructive attitudes, or other personal issues which may cause distractions for many of us just trying to meditate. After all, it is clear from Buddha's teachings that there exists no permanent or real 'Self' with which to experience disturbing emotions or to have issues which may harm, instead of benefit others.

Orgyen Trinley (Chinese Karmapa)
Surely H. H. the 16th Karmapa knew what he was doing, because he kept closest to him not only Shamar Rinpoche, who discovered the 17th incarnation, but also Tai Situ, who recognizes the Chinese Karmapa. As a highly realized and enlightened master, The Karmapa is able to see the past, present, and future, down to the smallest detail. It is often said that an enlightened man is not only able to tell what is being made in the kitchen next door, he is also able to tell what is being thought by the cook while he is making it.

It is so beautiful, and I am so grateful for Orgyen Trinley, who will be considered a great Bodhisattva later on, because he is essentially protecting the real Karmapa from Chinese persecution. Also, he is acting as if he were Karmapa, so it is inevitable that he must learn the teachings of the Buddha, and of the Kagyu lineage, and transmit them to the best of his abilities to the Chinese and anyone else with a confused mind. This is surely an arduous task, that will require great skill and accumulate much merit.

16th Karmapa Rigpe Dorje

Karmapa is such a great Bodhisattva and leader of the spiritual lineage of the Karma Kagyu, which means 'oral transmission.'
The third Karmapa was the teacher of the first Dalai Lama, and has made an impact on the world in every one of his incarnations. His 17th incarnation will be no exception I'm sure, as Rigpe Dorje explicitly stated during his life many times, that his next reincarnation would be better than he was, which would seem incredible to those who knew or experienced this highly accomplished master.

Countless miraculous events surrounded to life of Rigpe Dorje, and his death was such an auspicious one as well. He confounded doctors who attended him, by keeping his heart center warm for three days following clinical death, and then shrunk his body to less than two feet tall, as an alternate display of the renowned rainbow body, after taking on about a dozen diseases, and prior to his cremation.

We are a part of the Vajrayana Buddhist Sangha or community, practicing through the assistance and guidance of Lama Ole Nydahl, who was instructed by the Sixteenth Karmapa to bring Tibetan Buddhism to the west, and has done just that. Lama Ole and his wife Hannah have started over 650 Buddhist center world wide.

Ole continues to benefit countless beings, by making himself available as a teacher, and traveling the entire world twice a year.

My wife and I are seen here in front of the Stupa Rigpe Dorje built in Crestone, CO. We were visiting the area, because our Diamond Way U.S. Sangha is in the process of purchasing an area of land less than an hour from the Stupa that will become  North America's largest Vajrayana retreat land. It is such a special area, that our Lama Ole found while traveling through. He noticed such auspicious signs there that he just had to make it a point to turn it  into a Buddhist refuge, so that we can all go and meditate there together.
Future Cabin and Gompa at Dakini Ranch
The site has adopted the name 'Dakini Ranch,' and from my own personal experience I can say that it definitely has quite a unique feel, as if floating in the clouds, and there are many auspicious features to it. We so look forward to having such an amazing place as a retreat center so close to our home, as it is only 4 hours drive for us.
It is such an inspiration to have a teacher like Lama Ole. He has made all of our activity possible, and I am so grateful. He is easily accessible for those who would wish to meet him. 
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