Friday, July 19, 2013

Neotame and the Corporate Elitist Agenda

So if you didn't know for sure, or if you weren't convinced, corporations are actually trying to kill us. I have proof. Its really not a matter of the corporations themselves, they are just tools that are wielded by the ruling global elite. Don't be fooled by the laws that attribute personhood to corporations people, they are not human beings. Allowing them to be labeled as people under the law in the U.S. makes them much more useful tools. As 'people,' corporations can keep secrets, make private campaign contributions, and do loads of other nasty things because of their sheer size and consolidated spending power that no normal human being would ever be capable of. In effect, corporations are the most intense, disguised, powerful, and dangerous tools for the ruling elite to enact their conniving strategies of manipulation upon us all. What proof do I have you say?
This fancy little number is being marketed to us in mass quantities, and you have probably consumed some of it, without even knowing it. How can this be possible? The FDA and USDA say that Neotame  requires no labeling before being used in foods. That's right, let me repeat, NO LABELING, of any kind required. At least we could spot Aspartame on the label. . .

Aspartame and Neotame are made up of substances which metabolize into a highly toxic poison, our friend formaldehyde. In addition, they contain an exctiotoxic amino acid that agitates, thereby damaging nerves. Very similar to aspartame in chemical structure, Neotame has one chemical added that aspartame does not possess – 3-dimethylbutyl, which just so happens to be on the Environmental Protection Agency’s most hazardous chemical list.

How is this kind of thing possible? Well when you have the kind of revolving door policies for corporations and government offices that we do in the U.S. it is not only possible, but probable and encouraged. Remember the elite are the ones who influence the law-makers and and establish the standards in our society.

Check out this chart of revolving door politics:
This is unbelievable to me, and it should be outrageous to you as well, that we could allow for such a blatant conflict of interest to be common place within the regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect consumers . . .

So the next question is naturally 'what can we do to protect ourselves?'
The answer is eat only those food items that are certified organic. Better yet, Beyond Organic, which means that it was produced by you or someone you know and trust, and was not certified organic, but you know to be free of any of the bad stuff because you observed the production of it.
There are many sites and misinformed people claiming that Neotame can be used in Certified Organic products.  These claims have no validity from what I can find on the FDA and USDA sites. There is a list of food additives that are allowed to be included in organic foods, and it clearly states that any kind of synthetic flavoring agent is excluded from the possibility of being labeled organic. So as long as you stick to Organic foods and products, you are safe from the neuro-toxic effects of Neotame.
It is obvious that everyone should maintain a diet composed of nothing but organic, and locally sourced ingredients as much as possible. Now we all just have a little more incentive to resist the allure of the newest brightly packaged concoction Monsanto, or any other large-scale food-like product manufacturer. Consider this a warning label for all non-organic processed food items: It may contain Neotame, and you won't even know it, cause they don't have to label it . . .

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