Friday, May 2, 2014

Net Neutrality: Why Should You be Concerned?

Youtube Running Slowly Isn't a Coincidence
Corporations are Trying to Take Over the Internet
Comcast already pisses me off. They charge a ridiculous bill every month for me and my household, just to use the internet. We don't have T.V., we don't have a home phone, and we are still paying upwards of $70.00 per month. Then people who have T.V. and phone service get the internet as a part of their package for $12 or $14. So basically what Comcast, and other Internet Service Providers are doing is mocking us, the consumers. 'Sure, we could give you internet for $15/month, but since you are not doing exactly what we want, we are going to charge you whatever we want.' These people have us by the balls, and things are getting worse.

What they want from us is to be really good little corporate slaves. We should all go to work for minimum wage or less each day, come home with a bag of fast food, and watch as much T.V. as we can before going to bed, or shopping at a 24 hr Walmart. In order for us to voluntarily accept this kind of life for ourselves, we definitely need to have cable T.V. service, home phone, and internet provided through the same ISP. That way they control what we watch, or at least monitor it. They are already charging us for it, monopolistically. However, if the Net Neutrality laws we have in place are dismantled, any freedom on the internet goes out the window.

We can stop them! Go to and get involved in stopping these bastards trying to kill the  internet. Any and all video sharing, music sharing, file sharing in general, goes out the window if they pass this bull shit. We would literally be subjected to an internet restricted to only the sites that Comcast and Time Warner approve of us using, and no others. There goes any hope for small business websites, blogs, and generally freedom of information on the internet.

Fuck them, lets stop this right now. Get pissed, tell people, and don't give your money to corporations people. It's that simple. We have the power, in every dollar we spend. Give your money to local small businesses that make a difference in your community, not these corporate assholes. Knowledge is power!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

12 Reasons New Mexico is Awesome

Top 12 Reasons New Mexico is Awesome

Ok, so this one is a no brainer. If you can think of a good reason why New Mexico is not awesome, just let us know, and we'll actually send someone to throw rocks at your car, get you drunk, and get you a tattoo. The landscapes, the towns, the people. The Land of Enchantment just has it all. . .

Reason 1. Taos

Taos is literally quite similar to being on another planet, and I have heard that description even from people who live there. Being able to see in every direction to the horizon at all times alone is worth the trip. Reasons 2, 3, and 4 are also related to this majestic place. 

2. Earthships

The Earthships in Taos could easily be mistaken for alien dwellings, and are somewhat remeniscent of Luke Skywalker's home from the first Star Wars movie. While these amazing homes provide an off-grid, zero carbon foot-print, solar-powered, and passive heated and cooled life stlye, they might as well be on another planet, as they are so far from how most of us build our homes. A must see in NM.

3. Taos Ski Valley

Taos was discovered by German-Swiss ski pioneer Ernie Blake, and is boasted as being the best skiing outside of the Swiss Alps. Recently opened to snowboarding, this unique ski-valley really provides that on-top-of-the-world feel, in more than one way.

4. Taos Gorge Bridge

Less than a mile from the Greater World Earthship community, Taos Gorge is famous for being the most popular place to commit suicide in North America. At least a hundred jumper's bodies have been found in the gorge since 1984. If this place is beautiful enough to attract that many people wanting to spend their last moments, surely it's something to behold.


On the way from Taos to Santa, Fe, if you take what is commonly referred to as 'The High Road,' you will have the pleasure of driving through the gorgeous little town of Penasco. Any film-maker would be awe struck, as I was the first time I laid eyes on the rolling hills and mist-covered valleys of this high desert gem of a location.

6. Balloon Fiesta

This international event is the largest tourist event of the year for Albuquerque, NM. It is quite an impressive sight to behold, thousands of hot-air balloons traversing the sky juxtaposed against the sunrise. They also hold several annual balloon glows, where the orange glow from the globe's burners are the only sources of light in the evening. These things are true spacecrafts!

7. Sandia Peak Tramway

The second longest tramway ride in the world, Sandia Tram transports passengers from the base of the mountain all the way to the very top, where there is a fine-dining restaurant, hiking, mountain biking, and skiing possibilities. The 'Flights' ascend from a base elevation of 6,559 feet (1,999 m) to a top elevation of 10,378 feet (3,163 m) The photography possibilities from this high-flying carriage are innumerable.

8. Sandia Peak 

The Sandia Peak itself is a sight to behold, and provides a view to the horizon overlooking the entire city of Albuquerque and. The drive from town only takes about 30-45 minutes, and the sights are nothing like anything you have ever seen before. Again, a majestic panoramic view.

9. New Mexico Sunsets

There are some beautiful sunset out there, but if you have ever witnessed one in New Mexico, you would be hard pressed to say that there isn't something special about them here. Everyday at dusk it is as if a different master artist takes his brush to the sky to create something completely breathtaking and unique. Any film or photo taken during this glorious time of the day, at any location her in NM will be one worth remembering for all audiences.

10. Chaco Canyon

Aside from being a World Heritage site, Chaco is amongst the most complex and expansive archeological sites in the world. The sun rises, sunsets, hiking possibilities, and a peek into ancient history all make this site a worth while short trip outside Albuquerque that can easily be done in a day. However, one must really camp there to get the full experience. 

10. Coffee Shops

Every awesome town needs great coffee shops. Albuquerque has several of the neatest little neighborhood coffee shops in the southwest. Most serve food, have live music, patio seating, a great atmosphere, and of course great coffee. Soy, almond, chai if you prefer. These establishments cater to even the most refined tastes. This particular coffee shop commands such an on-screen presence that the crew from the hit series Breaking Bad chose to use it as a location, and actually blew up the second floor for a scene involving some exploding blue meth.

12. Local Micro-breweries recently voted Albuquerque #1 cities in the country for Top Beer Cities in the nation. Dozens of locally owned microbreweries scatter the urban landscape of the city, and there are even bike and jogging tours of the different routes in between them. Most either serve food or have food trucks, outdoor seating, and nearly nightly live music. Singles and families alike will love relaxing after a long day at any of these fine establishments.