Tuesday, July 23, 2013


You are dehydrated. You are. Don't try to tell me you're not. I am too. We pretty much all are. I just read a book called 'Your Body's many Cries for Water" by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj. This man is amazing. He uses re-hydration methods to cure people of diseases. Thats right, drinking more water to cure diseases. In fact, our fine doctor has been able to cure countless patients of AIDS, Asthma, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Insulin-independent Diabetes, high blood pressure, and many many other diseases, just by giving them enough water.  

How is this possible you say? Well its really simple actually. Dr. Batmanghilidi discovered that your body sends out signals that it is dehydrated, and the feeling of 'dry mouth' is actually the last of those signals. Your body tells you that it needs water and is becoming dehydrated first through dysteptic pain, rheumatoid arthritis pain, anginal pain, low back pain, claudication pain(leg pain), migraine and hangover headaches, colitis pain, and constipation . . . etc 

So how much water is enough? He says that the absolute minimum daily intake of water should be six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day to maintain hydration, and that increases if you live in the desert or a really hot dry climate. 6-8 glasses times 8 ounces, that's roughly 64 ounces. The best times to drink water being 30 minutes before all meals and about 2 hours after all meals. Two more glasses should be added after the largest meal of the day.

He proposes an essential paradigm shift in modern medicine, from thinking about the regulation of bodily functions as dictated by the different solids, to thinking of them as being due to the liquids. He states, "Every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water."
Since our human bodies are more than 75% liquid, and our brain more than 85%, it is essential that we discontinue thinking of ourselves as solid material beings. In terms of modern medicine, doctors are treating symptoms of 'diseases' that are actually our bodies signals that we need more water, often with 
drugs that can then further dehydrate the body. 

Doctors know that you should drink 8 glasses of water a day, and they may even tell you that. Most doctors have good intentions, but are limited by the system they operate within, and the incorrect paradigm that water is not the most important factor in regulating bodily function. What they can't and wont tell you is that most of the disorders and diseases that we experience in society today are a direct result of the body not getting enough water. 

But I drink 8 glasses of water a day, and I still have some of these issues . . .
Not true. Not possible. There are other factors. If you are taking any kind of medication, to counteract their dehydrating effects, our good doctor recommends 2 1/2 liters minimum daily, which is a lot more. if you drink coffee or tea, or god forbid soda, then you are actually dehydrating yourself more than if you had not drank that liquid at all. Alcohol is especially dangerous in this sense. These seemingly hydrating drinks actually leave you 50% by volume less hydrated than you started out. So if you are going to drink coffee or tea, you need to drink at least that much water. 

The most incredible findings in this book for me are the fact that Alzheimer's, hyper-tension, AIDS, and Diabetes can all be cured, by properly hydrating, and maintaining that level of hydration. Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj has cured over 3000 patients using this methed. 

Happy Hydrating ! 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Neotame and the Corporate Elitist Agenda

So if you didn't know for sure, or if you weren't convinced, corporations are actually trying to kill us. I have proof. Its really not a matter of the corporations themselves, they are just tools that are wielded by the ruling global elite. Don't be fooled by the laws that attribute personhood to corporations people, they are not human beings. Allowing them to be labeled as people under the law in the U.S. makes them much more useful tools. As 'people,' corporations can keep secrets, make private campaign contributions, and do loads of other nasty things because of their sheer size and consolidated spending power that no normal human being would ever be capable of. In effect, corporations are the most intense, disguised, powerful, and dangerous tools for the ruling elite to enact their conniving strategies of manipulation upon us all. What proof do I have you say?
This fancy little number is being marketed to us in mass quantities, and you have probably consumed some of it, without even knowing it. How can this be possible? The FDA and USDA say that Neotame  requires no labeling before being used in foods. That's right, let me repeat, NO LABELING, of any kind required. At least we could spot Aspartame on the label. . .

Aspartame and Neotame are made up of substances which metabolize into a highly toxic poison, our friend formaldehyde. In addition, they contain an exctiotoxic amino acid that agitates, thereby damaging nerves. Very similar to aspartame in chemical structure, Neotame has one chemical added that aspartame does not possess – 3-dimethylbutyl, which just so happens to be on the Environmental Protection Agency’s most hazardous chemical list.

How is this kind of thing possible? Well when you have the kind of revolving door policies for corporations and government offices that we do in the U.S. it is not only possible, but probable and encouraged. Remember the elite are the ones who influence the law-makers and and establish the standards in our society.

Check out this chart of revolving door politics:
This is unbelievable to me, and it should be outrageous to you as well, that we could allow for such a blatant conflict of interest to be common place within the regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect consumers . . .

So the next question is naturally 'what can we do to protect ourselves?'
The answer is eat only those food items that are certified organic. Better yet, Beyond Organic, which means that it was produced by you or someone you know and trust, and was not certified organic, but you know to be free of any of the bad stuff because you observed the production of it.
There are many sites and misinformed people claiming that Neotame can be used in Certified Organic products.  These claims have no validity from what I can find on the FDA and USDA sites. There is a list of food additives that are allowed to be included in organic foods, and it clearly states that any kind of synthetic flavoring agent is excluded from the possibility of being labeled organic. So as long as you stick to Organic foods and products, you are safe from the neuro-toxic effects of Neotame.
It is obvious that everyone should maintain a diet composed of nothing but organic, and locally sourced ingredients as much as possible. Now we all just have a little more incentive to resist the allure of the newest brightly packaged concoction Monsanto, or any other large-scale food-like product manufacturer. Consider this a warning label for all non-organic processed food items: It may contain Neotame, and you won't even know it, cause they don't have to label it . . .

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

16th Karmapa Stupa Crestone

 The 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, is the 16th incarnation of the Karmapa, meaning "Master of all Buddha activity."

Karmapa is a Bodhisattva who reincarnates over and over again for the benefit of sentient beings. he is a highly realized mediation master, who has conquered disturbing emotions and taken control of the death process. Karmapa leaves a note every time he dies, explaining with precision where he will be reborn and who his parents will be. He is generally born knowing and, as soon as he can speak, telling people that he is Karmapa.

 Karmapa's current incarnation was telling his parents he was
Karmapa at age 3, and began giving teachings around age six.

The 17th Karmapa is a brilliantly vibrant young man named Trinley Thaye Dorje. Although forced out of Tibet, Karmapa has been able to further expand his scope of influence to the western world, and thus benefit many more countless beings through his great example.

We can have confidence in the teachings, and comfortable with our own death due to Karmapa's teachings and example. Because he is able to make the transition between life, death, and his next life so easily, as if he were merely changing clothes, he is able to show us that it is nothing to fear, and may in fact be a great opportunity to benefit many beings.

Karmapa was foretold of by the Buddha Shakyamuni, and has himself demonstrated amazing foresight. He left Tibet eight years before the Chinese invasion, and was able to bring many of his students and followers to freedom in India.

17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje

There exists a controversy amongst those unenlightened of us concerning the identity of the 17th Karmapa. . .

One of Karmapa's closest students Tai Situ Rinpoche, in a desperate attempt to seize control of the power structure of the lineage, produced a false letter concerning the whereabouts of the  new incarnation and took it upon himself to go find the boy.

After several scandals involving Tai Situ, including embezzlement, forgery, switching of his chosen candidate, and the fact that Orgyen Trinley is too old to possibly be the Karmapa, it is clear to those who are thinking for themselves just what is going on.

This scandal however, is very welcomed and has turned out to be a true blessing. Because of this other candidate, and his allegiance to Tai Situ, who works well with the Chinese oppressors for monetary reasons, our blessed H.H. The Karmapa Thaye Dorje has no need to fear for his life or persecution from the Chinese.

The Dalai Lama has been threatened and persecuted by the Chinese ceaselessly since he left Tibet. It is such a blessing that the Chinese now have their very own puppet Karmapa to tote around and not bother any of the true clear-minded practitioners just trying to meditate.

This also protects our lineage immensely from clouded and confused people, who would otherwise be infiltrating our ranks, possibly having disturbed ideas, unconstructive attitudes, or other personal issues which may cause distractions for many of us just trying to meditate. After all, it is clear from Buddha's teachings that there exists no permanent or real 'Self' with which to experience disturbing emotions or to have issues which may harm, instead of benefit others.

Orgyen Trinley (Chinese Karmapa)
Surely H. H. the 16th Karmapa knew what he was doing, because he kept closest to him not only Shamar Rinpoche, who discovered the 17th incarnation, but also Tai Situ, who recognizes the Chinese Karmapa. As a highly realized and enlightened master, The Karmapa is able to see the past, present, and future, down to the smallest detail. It is often said that an enlightened man is not only able to tell what is being made in the kitchen next door, he is also able to tell what is being thought by the cook while he is making it.

It is so beautiful, and I am so grateful for Orgyen Trinley, who will be considered a great Bodhisattva later on, because he is essentially protecting the real Karmapa from Chinese persecution. Also, he is acting as if he were Karmapa, so it is inevitable that he must learn the teachings of the Buddha, and of the Kagyu lineage, and transmit them to the best of his abilities to the Chinese and anyone else with a confused mind. This is surely an arduous task, that will require great skill and accumulate much merit.

16th Karmapa Rigpe Dorje

Karmapa is such a great Bodhisattva and leader of the spiritual lineage of the Karma Kagyu, which means 'oral transmission.'
The third Karmapa was the teacher of the first Dalai Lama, and has made an impact on the world in every one of his incarnations. His 17th incarnation will be no exception I'm sure, as Rigpe Dorje explicitly stated during his life many times, that his next reincarnation would be better than he was, which would seem incredible to those who knew or experienced this highly accomplished master.

Countless miraculous events surrounded to life of Rigpe Dorje, and his death was such an auspicious one as well. He confounded doctors who attended him, by keeping his heart center warm for three days following clinical death, and then shrunk his body to less than two feet tall, as an alternate display of the renowned rainbow body, after taking on about a dozen diseases, and prior to his cremation.

We are a part of the Vajrayana Buddhist Sangha or community, practicing through the assistance and guidance of Lama Ole Nydahl, who was instructed by the Sixteenth Karmapa to bring Tibetan Buddhism to the west, and has done just that. Lama Ole and his wife Hannah have started over 650 Buddhist center world wide.

Ole continues to benefit countless beings, by making himself available as a teacher, and traveling the entire world twice a year.

My wife and I are seen here in front of the Stupa Rigpe Dorje built in Crestone, CO. We were visiting the area, because our Diamond Way U.S. Sangha is in the process of purchasing an area of land less than an hour from the Stupa that will become  North America's largest Vajrayana retreat land. It is such a special area, that our Lama Ole found while traveling through. He noticed such auspicious signs there that he just had to make it a point to turn it  into a Buddhist refuge, so that we can all go and meditate there together.
Future Cabin and Gompa at Dakini Ranch
The site has adopted the name 'Dakini Ranch,' and from my own personal experience I can say that it definitely has quite a unique feel, as if floating in the clouds, and there are many auspicious features to it. We so look forward to having such an amazing place as a retreat center so close to our home, as it is only 4 hours drive for us.
It is such an inspiration to have a teacher like Lama Ole. He has made all of our activity possible, and I am so grateful. He is easily accessible for those who would wish to meet him. 
Please visit:



 You must go to the Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Antigua is nice, but its a crowded city, and Guatemala city is like some kind of terrible hell on earth, but the lake is one of the most serene places I have ever been in my life.

 The sunset and the sky in general, but especially at night, amazed me every time I took a moment to appreciate it.

Aldous Huxley wrote ,“really, too much of a good thing.” referring to the lake. 

The indigenous Mayans believe that the first complex life forms were born from the lake. It certainly does feel like to womb of the planet.

The most popular pueblo around the lake is called San Pedro, and where most of the party-scene is.

The lake looks just like the Mandlebrat fractal if viewed from the air, and is definitely a microcosm of the universe in its own unique way.

If you don't know about fractals, I can't help you, but you can look at many online. . . check out http://fractalfoundation.org/

At night, from where we were staying, very bright stars would line up with all of the major three volcano tops, and it would seem as if the universe was in perfect alignment. . .

    San Marcos de Atitlan is one fo the most beautiful Pueblos. It has a large community of healers from all over the world, practicing every form of the healing arts from yoga and Reiki, to chocolate ceremonies and sound healing. It is amazing.

You definitely have to go check out Santiago pueblo also. this is one of the oldest, and there are some strange things going on here. . .

There is a legend about a shaman who requested of the forest to send an emissary to heal the people of sicknesses brought in by the Spanish. One of the trees named 'Maximon' came alive, and traveled the whole lake, healing all of the people. Once his task was over however, he became a nuisance by using his powers to turn all of the elders from the villages into young girls, and having them wait on him while he smoked cigars and drank rum all day. 
Finally the people decided this had to be stopped, and so they all attacked the tree-man, and cut off his legs. He then agreed to stop his dastardly behavior, if the people would hold a parade in his honor once a year. This has been a tradition for many years. The tree-man is still there in a small church, which you must go see if you go there.                                                                                        
 He has an opening for his mouth, and takes offerings of rum, and of cigars, which I kid you not, he actually smokes. I did not believe this until I saw it for myself. He actually inhales, and the puffs out the smoke.
He has an attendant who is also very peculiar . . . the man looks just like the tree-man, and is literally growing roots out of the backs of his calves and ankles. 
This place is too magical to describe properly with words here, but you should definitely check it out for yourself.

Took my Skateboard to India . . .

Chennai, India

Had to do a spot of skateboarding in Kathmandu. This place is so amazing. We found some of the best hash, traveled to dozens of sacred sites, including Bodhinath, one of the world's biggest stupas, and several monasteries. Definitely go to Kathmandu if you can.

There is a hostel called the Kathmandu guest house, and it is cheap and really nice, with a view of Mount Everest from the roof, where you can sit and have breakfast. They also had herb growing in pots all over the place.

The entire surrounding countryside is littered with cannabis plants. They just grow along the ditches there. Many of the locals make hand made hash, opium, and it is even possible to find some nice sinsemilla flowers. It seems like most of India doesn't understand the whole, don't let the males pollinate the females thing.

Thoroughly enjoying ourselves . . .

Boddhinath Stupa, Nepal
A World Apart - India & Nepal

So In 2009 I joined a group called the Sustainable Global Leadership Alliance (SGLA)

They offered a leadership training program in Sustainability, which included traveling for a month in India

Seven weekends of intensive workshops prior to departure, and many bonding experiences . . .

This group will forever remain in my heart, as I am sure many of you have had experiences of being around kindred souls, this was one of those rare groups.

We all got to know each other and learned about the dire nature of the world situation, and what is possible to do to change it, by setting an example, and changing what is inside. This is the most effective way to influence the world outside . . .

 We first spent a day in Singapore, which is a really interesting place. We visited the internationally renowned botanical gardens, and I got kicked out of a mosque for trying to sit and meditate there . . .  

    We got love for the desert plants . . .

 Singapore botanical gardens has a Bonsai garden. . .
 They even have an Orchid garden, with most of the different species in the world . . .

Next, we flew to Chennai in India

Chennai is huge and filthy, as it is one of the major economic hubs of India. The airport was crazy at first, because there were thousands of people waiting there for people to arrive. 

There are many beautiful things in this city also, the greatest for me was the shimmer in the eyes of the local street children, so down-trodden, but full of life and light.

 The countryside is so beautiful. . . it makes one wonder why we all insist on living in crowded cities. . .

I met this man at the top of a mountain called Arunachala.

 'Jodhi' which means fire in Hindi. He holds the space at the top, and lights the whole mountain top on fire for ten days in December with oil that pilgrims bring him in offering to the God Shiva.  This is his only job. . .

 These two were very kind. We shared many Chai teas and conversations. I love them, except for the fact that they tricked me into selling them my camera, and that explains why I do not have more pictures from India. . .

Tricky tricky merchants in Tiruvanamalai

We finally made it to Nepal, and Joe created a rainbow from the top of a mountain surrounded by other mountains. . .

Frack Your Country, Mother Fracker!

If you have not seen the documentary Gasland, I really cannot help you when your well water turns out to be flammable, and you set your house on fire. This is public information, but those of us(you) who get information exclusively from the corporate controlled media, will have no idea about what is really going on in the world. If something is on Fox News, or in the news paper, hell even on some of the more popular 'progressive' radio talk shows, it is a distraction from the events that should be considered real news, and a perversion of media.

There is so much money thrown at the issues these days, but natural gas extraction by means of hydraulic fracking is one of the paramount issues of our time. Even though people, animals, and the environment are getting sick around these Fracking sites, to the extent that hair falls out and people are actually able to light their tap water on fire, the regulatory agencies of the U.S. government continue to claim that the process is safe, and that none of these very disturbing occurrences has to do with the Fracking that is going on in the area. 

This is a direct result of a 'revolving door' that allows top ranking employees of these corporate giant energy companies to just come on over and work for the FDA, EPA, USDA and many other agencies. I say we fire all these people, and elect who our regulatory officials will be. Isn't that how democracy is supposed to work?

They are Fracking liars. . . 

Now, I thought that lying in a court of law was tantamount to a criminal act, and was likely to end in the culprit's prosecution, or at lest contempt of court. So why is it that most of what goes on in court rooms these days is lying , and it is being taken at face value by us the slaves as truth? The scariest part to me, is watching films like Gas Land and bearing witness to the straight-faced lies these people tell in courtrooms, and in front of thousands of innocent people, who are literally depending upon them to give us the truth about the dangers of this incredibly destructive process. . .

So here it is . . . 

I will give you the straight truth: Fracking is killing animals and humans, and desecrating the natural environment beyond a state which can hope to be repaired within the foreseeable future. 

Here is a list of chemicals used in Hydraulic Fracking . . .

Natural gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing chemicals with 10 or more health effects ( oh yeah thats per chemical)
• 2,2',2"-Nitrilotriethanol
• 2-Ethylhexanol
• 5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one
• Acetic acid
• Acrolein
• Acrylamide (2-propenamide)
• Acrylic acid
• Ammonia
• Ammonium chloride
• Ammonium nitrate
• Aniline
• Benzyl chloride
• Boric acid
• Cadmium
• Calcium hypochlorite
• Chlorine
• Chlorine dioxide
• Dibromoacetonitrile 1
• Diesel 2
• Diethanolamine
• Diethylenetriamine
• Dimethyl formamide
• Epidian
• Ethanol (acetylenic alcohol)
• Ethyl mercaptan
• Ethylbenzene
• Ethylene glycol
• Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (2-BE)
• Ethylene oxide
• Ferrous sulfate
• Formaldehyde
• Formic acid
• Fuel oil #2
• Glutaraldehyde
• Glyoxal
• Hydrodesulfurized kerosene
• Hydrogen sulfide
• Iron
• Isobutyl alcohol (2-methyl-1-propanol)
• Isopropanol (propan-2-ol)
• Kerosene
• Light naphthenic distillates, hydrotreated
• Mercaptoacidic acid
• Methanol
• Methylene bis(thiocyanate)
• Monoethanolamine
• NaHCO3
• Naphtha, petroleum medium aliphatic
• Naphthalene
• Natural gas condensates
• Nickel sulfate
• Paraformaldehyde
• Petroleum distillate naptha
• Petroleum distillate/ naphtha
• Phosphonium, tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)-sulfate
• Propane-1,2-diol
• Sodium bromate
• Sodium chlorite (chlorous acid, sodium salt)
• Sodium hypochlorite
• Sodium nitrate
• Sodium nitrite
• Sodium sulfite
• Styrene
• Sulfur dioxide
• Sulfuric acid
• Tetrahydro-3,5-dimethyl-2H-1,3,5-thiadiazine-2-thione (Dazomet)
• Titanium dioxide
• Tributyl phosphate
• Triethylene glycol
• Urea
• Xylene
- See more at: http://www.earthworksaction.org/issues/detail/hydraulic_fracturing_101#CHEMICALS

The chemicals used in this process, are highly destructive, carcinogenic, toxic, and dangerous. Many of the victims of this Fracking contamination have brought water from their kitchen sink to employees and administrators of the companies responsible for the contamination, and asked them to drink a little. Although every regulatory agency involved has stated over and over again that the water is completely safe, and in no way contaminated, no one is willing to drink it. You would think that since they were getting paid so much by the oil and gas industry to lie for them, regulators and employees would be willing to take a little taste for the camera, with a smile on their faces and proclaim "yummy! See, I told you it was safe." None of them have even touched a drop. I wouldn't drink it. After watching Josh Fox's documentary, and seeing several of the innocent victims of the contamination able to literally light their whole sink on fire with a lighter, just by holding it up to the running tap. 

This issue is of dire urgency. Potentially one of the most pressing and disturbing current events on our plate as humans in this country today. Please watch Gasland and the sequel Gasland II, and stay informed. Fight oil and gas companies, and lets work together to build a sustainable clean energy future for our children and our planet.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Chaco Canyon Overnight

Go to Chaco Canyon . . .

This place will blow your mind. It is a world heritage site, and the largest geological site in North America.

Take lots of water. I had a Camelbak. Camp overnight if you have time. There is no better experience of the canyon than if you can wake up with the sun and begin hiking and exploring.