Friday, October 18, 2013

Obesity Out-Weighs Hunger

Not that it is a worse problem, just a bigger one, literally. There are many more people on the planet today who are overweight, than there are people who are underweight.

Don't believe me? Check it out . . .

World Hunger
current total world population
undernourished people in the world right now
overweight people in the world right now
obese people in the world right now
people who died of hunger today
people who died of hunger this year
money spent due to obesity related diseases in the USA today
$  71,480,264
spending on food purchased and then tossed by US households today
spending on global food aid today
amount that would allow to feed the hungry today
spending on weight-loss programs and products in the USA today
food aid budget spent on domesticprocessing and shipping today
revenue for four large US agribusiness corporations derived from food aid programs today
spending on pet food in Europe and USA today
tons of food wasted in America today
tons of global food aid provided today
percentage of harvested corn, grains, and soy beans fed to animals in Europe and North America
percentage of malnourished children who live in countries with food surpluses
percentage of hungriest nations on earth that are net exporters of food to rich nations (36 out of 40)

The funny part is, all or most of both of these groups, obese and starving, are malnourished. Along with the advent of industrialized farming, comes the inevitable consequence of nutrient poor crops. Then along comes nutrient poor animals, and of course malnourished people.

I mean seriously. The obesity problem is big, I get it, but how could we possibly let it get bigger than hunger? Well, to explain it simply, when you are not getting enough nutrients, your body keeps telling you you are hungry, and you continue to eat, even though you have had enough. Also, many of the food additives that exist today like MSG, Aspartame, and others actually turn off your body's natural alert system that tells it you are full, so you eat more.

It is each of our own responsibility to do what we can in our own spheres of influence to combat this imbalance in food distribution, and stop industrialized food production and distribution practices. When people are starving out there, it is up to each and every one of us to stop it. The fact that more people are overweight than starving should disgust you, yes, but it should also prove to you that there is hope. We know we have enough food to feed everyone. We just need to distribute it equally amongst people.

The least we can do is allow small farmers to operate without the same kinds of regulations as multinational corporations, so that at least those of us who are smart enough to know what real food looks and tastes like can have a chance at receiving proper nutrition. Buy only organic and locally grown produce, do not shop at corporations, and for your own sake, KILL YOUR TELEVISION.
Media is a grand manipulative tool that the large corporations use to control the masses. That's us. Good little sheep that just keep getting fatter and fatter, while there are starving people out there. Place the blame where it is due, Corporations are killing what is left of humanity people.
Monsanto, Dupont, and corporations like them have gone too far. They have created a vicious cycle of profit-driven food production, that leaves us as consumers starved for nutrients. First they sterilized the seeds, then the ground in which it grows, and now the sterilization reaches humans.

Eventually, we will be manufactured in test tubes, as genetically altered Corporate slaves, that are engineered from birth to be perfectly obedient little consumers. Stop the matrix from becoming a reality.

Buy Local, Eat Local, Live healthy . . . Kill Corporations

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