Friday, May 2, 2014

Net Neutrality: Why Should You be Concerned?

Youtube Running Slowly Isn't a Coincidence
Corporations are Trying to Take Over the Internet
Comcast already pisses me off. They charge a ridiculous bill every month for me and my household, just to use the internet. We don't have T.V., we don't have a home phone, and we are still paying upwards of $70.00 per month. Then people who have T.V. and phone service get the internet as a part of their package for $12 or $14. So basically what Comcast, and other Internet Service Providers are doing is mocking us, the consumers. 'Sure, we could give you internet for $15/month, but since you are not doing exactly what we want, we are going to charge you whatever we want.' These people have us by the balls, and things are getting worse.

What they want from us is to be really good little corporate slaves. We should all go to work for minimum wage or less each day, come home with a bag of fast food, and watch as much T.V. as we can before going to bed, or shopping at a 24 hr Walmart. In order for us to voluntarily accept this kind of life for ourselves, we definitely need to have cable T.V. service, home phone, and internet provided through the same ISP. That way they control what we watch, or at least monitor it. They are already charging us for it, monopolistically. However, if the Net Neutrality laws we have in place are dismantled, any freedom on the internet goes out the window.

We can stop them! Go to and get involved in stopping these bastards trying to kill the  internet. Any and all video sharing, music sharing, file sharing in general, goes out the window if they pass this bull shit. We would literally be subjected to an internet restricted to only the sites that Comcast and Time Warner approve of us using, and no others. There goes any hope for small business websites, blogs, and generally freedom of information on the internet.

Fuck them, lets stop this right now. Get pissed, tell people, and don't give your money to corporations people. It's that simple. We have the power, in every dollar we spend. Give your money to local small businesses that make a difference in your community, not these corporate assholes. Knowledge is power!