Sunday, January 5, 2014

How to kill a Corporation . . .
Did you know most of your taxes go toward subsidizing corporations? How can we kill them?

The answer is actually startlingly simple; Stop buying their fucking products. Nearly everything that is produced and distributed by corporations is of terrible quality and carries an opportunity cost of a small business that also makes that variety of product going out of business. I know you love your local coffee shop, but they are literally struggling to compete with Folgers and the like of Starbucks. Seriously, RedBox and Netflix have all but annihilated any last scrap of hope there was for small local video stores to survive, and I love those places. So I propose a solution to you: Lets kill corporations. I'll give you the recipe right now.

1. Pinpoint which specific corporation pisses you off the most, or does the most damage to people

2. Discontinue any and all spending that is in anyway funding this corporation

3. Tell many of your friends and family what you are doing and why

4. Sit back and watch the corporation of your choice grasp for it's last breaths

Don't believe me that it's this easy? I assure you that it really is, if you actually follow these steps. Now there is a bit of a trick here; Step 2 is going to prove much more difficult than you have ever imagined, because of how connected most corporations are to each other. (The safest bet is to stop buying anything that allows your money to wind up in the hands of a corporation) Also, Step 3 is assuming you keep nearly a million close friends who value your advice . . . I mean you’ve got a Facebook right?

I assure you that you can do it. So put on your thinking cap . . .  which will you start with? Sysco, Monsanto, of Dupont by chance? How about Nestle or Coca Cola? Really any one you choose is a good one, and remember just what a great service you will be doing for the rest of the world. Thank you, kind and gentle citizen of this planet. I salute you.

If you need some ideas, or another reason to want to kill corporations, here is a great one . . .